
Coronavirus: 18,299 Dead In 99 Countries, 411,448 Diagnosed Worldwide


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The deadly virus originated from Wuhan, China, the novel coronavirus known officially named as COVID-19 by the World Health Organization, has killed 18,299 total number of people in 99 countries and 411,448 infected 196 countries since January.

There are over 410,000 diagnosed cases of COVID-19 across the six continents on Earth, according to world meters index reports.

Italy has the highest number of death cases and China with 81,171 diagnosed cases. The virus has killed 5,249 in Italy, 4,540 in Spain, 1,762 in Iran and 7,248 in the USA. Spread to every country in Africa as well as Nigeria, Cameroon, and Egypt, claiming the lives of at least 20 people in the continent.

Due to the global panic, the World Health Organization has warned over 2 billion people across all the nation of the earth to stay home.

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