Italy recorded 5,217 new cases of Coronavirus on Sunday, 756 people died and recovered 646 people, this brings to the total of 97,689 cases, 10,779 death and 13,030 recovered so far.
1,592 people, were infected with coronavirus in Lombardy in the last 24 hours. Altogether they are now 41,007. 416 patients died yesterday and deaths rose to 6,360 in total.
The number of people infected in Milan and in the municipalities of the province has increased: in the last 24 hours, there have been 546, more than we did yesterday, Bergamo and Brescia, the two Lombard capitals most affected by the virus. In the city of Milan alone there are 247 new contagants for a total of 3,406. These are the data provided by the Regional Welfare Councilor, Giulio Gallera.