
Crying Yellow Tears: Meaning And Everything You Need To Know

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Discover why tears can sometimes be yellow, as seen in a viral TikTok video.

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A TikTok video showing someone crying yellow tears has caught everyone’s attention. It’s not something you see every day, and it’s got people asking questions. Why are the tears yellow? Here’s a closer look at what could cause this and what it means.

Why Tears Can Be Yellow

Normally, tears are clear, but sometimes they can turn yellow. This can happen for a few reasons.

Possible Reasons for Yellow Tears

  • Too Much Oil: Our eyes make oil to keep them moist. If they make too much, it can mix with the tears and turn them yellow.
  • Infections or Allergies: If you have an eye infection or allergies, your tears might have extra stuff in them, like pus, which can look yellow.
  • Reaction to Eye Drops: Sometimes, if you use certain eye drops or medicines, they can react and make your tears yellow.

What This Means

Yellow tears usually aren’t something to worry about too much. But they can be a sign that something’s not right with your eyes, like an infection.

When to Get Help

If you have yellow tears and other symptoms, like eye pain or redness, it’s a good idea to see a doctor. If the yellow tears don’t go away, you should get them checked out.

Eye Infections and Yellow Tears

  • Symptoms of Eye Infections: If you have an eye infection, you might have red eyes, pain, or feel like there’s something in your eye.
  • Kinds of Eye Infections: Infections can be caused by viruses, bacteria, or allergies.

A Real Story of Yellow Tears

A woman shared her story about crying neon yellow tears. It happened after she used some eye drops and an anesthetic from her eye doctor. The yellow color was likely because of how these two things reacted together.

What to Do If It Happens to You

  • Keep an Eye on It: Watch for any changes or if it gets worse.
  • Talk to a Doctor: If you’re worried or if it keeps happening, it’s best to get medical advice.

More About the Woman’s Experience

  • Her Eye Problem: She had a minor eye condition that made her eyelid feel irritated.
  • Her Treatment: She got some over-the-counter eye drops for allergies.
  • The Reaction: The neon yellow tears were just a reaction between the eye drops and the anesthetic.

Doctor Explained The Yellow Tears Glitch!

“If you’re wondering why someone is crying yellow tears, it’s actually quite normal, especially after an eye checkup. Let me explain. When you visit the eye doctor, particularly if there’s a concern about an injury or infection in your eyes – those ‘salty water dumplings’ – you might experience something unusual. The doctor uses an orange stick, which looks a bit like an ice cream stick, and places it under your lower eyelid. This stick contains a substance called fluorescent dye.

Then, under the glow of a cobalt blue light, everything lights up in neon green. This helps the doctor spot issues like corneal abrasions, infections, foreign materials, debris, and other inflammatory problems in your eyes.

So, why the yellow tears? Well, when this fluorescent dye mixes with your normal tears, it creates a golden color. Yes, you literally produce a ‘golden shower’ from your eyeballs. In some cases, you might even notice yellow dripping from your nose. This happens because some of the dyed tears can drain down the nasolacrimal ducts – those are tiny secret pipes that connect your eyes to your nose.”


Yellow tears can be strange and a bit worrying, but they’re often not a sign of something serious. If you ever have them, especially with other symptoms, it’s smart to talk to a doctor just to be safe.

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