
Meet Elabor Joe Agbebaku, First Youth To Declare Interest In 2023 Owan Federal Constituency

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Looking for profile of Elabor Joe Agbebaku? Here’s everything you need know about the first youth to declare interest in 2023 Owan Federal Constituency.

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Elabor Joe Agbebaku has declared interest to contest for a seat in Nigeria’s Federal House of Representatives in 2023.

In a statement obtained by MANDY NEWS on Saturday, Elabor revealed that he wants to represent Owan Federal Constituency under the platform of the People Democratic Party (PDP).

He was motivated to run for a position in the House of Representatives because of his desire to see development in the Northern part of Edo State, he said.

He declared his interest in the 2023 Nigerian House of Representatives election in January 2022.

Everything You Need to Know About Elabor Joe Agbebaku | Biography, Education, & Facts

Elabor Joe Agbebaku Biography

Elabor Joe Agbebaku
Elabor Joe Agbebaku

Elabor Joe Agbebaku, 32 years old, is from Uhonmora Ora, Owan West, Edo State. He is a Legal Practitioner, Entrepreneur, Civil Rights Advocate and Community Buildermedia personality.

Elabor is the son of Late Chief Oarhe Anthony Agbebaku.

He was born in Uhonmora into a prominent family with a legacy of integrity. His friends call him  ‘EJ.’

EJ is the Convener of Owan Project platform. A platform which was created to render community services to his constituency “Owan”. Through the platform and with the support of many individuals, he has been able to carry out some projects and programs in his constituency, some of which are: Inter Secondary School debate competition among the various secondary schools in Owan; Football Competition among the various communities in Owan; Skills Acquisition Programs for the youths in Owan; and several other programs and projects within Owan.

EJ is the Founding Partner and Group Head of The Panthers Law Firm (TPL). A law firm whose area of experty cuts across Intellectual Property, Corporate, Real Property and General Litigation, with offices in Lagos and Abuja. 

He is the convener and host of the program “Review Laws” with Elabor Joe. An online law review program on YouTube and Facebook. There he enlightens the public and his colleagues on current trends in the law.

Early Life And Education

  Elabor Joe Agbebaku
Elabor Joe Agbebaku

EJ has a humble background as he grew up in Uhonmora Ora, Owan West, Edo State with his parents where he lived and assimilated the norms and values of Owan people. He is a good farmer and a fast swimmer, skills he acquired from assisting the family with agricultural activities amongst others. EJ was trained in the ways of the Lord as his parents ensured he was baptized and consecrated in the tradition of St. Peter’s Anglican Church, Uhonmora Ora where he attended. The combination of the beautiful values learnt from his community, forthright spiritual growth and disciplined family virtues makes him the pride of Owan today as he reflects the shining stars of Owan.

EJ began his educational journey at Uben Primary School, Uhonmora Ora, Owan West, Edo State. At that level he started exhibiting his leadership quality which earned him the position of Head Boy. Thereafter, EJ proceeded to secondary school and began at Holy Trinity Grammar School, Sabongidda Ora, Owan West, Edo State; then later joined and continued with Venerable Akinluyi Memorial College, Sabongidda Ora, Owan West, Edo State; he finished at Uhonmora Secondary Commercial School, Uhonmora Ora, Owan West Edo State in 2007 with flying colors.

EJ had his degree in Law from Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State in 2014, after which he attended the Nigerian Law School and was called to the biggest Bar in Africa in December 2015. In 2016, he was drafted to Imo State by the National Youth Service Corps to serve his fatherland which he did meritoriously with the Nigerian Breweries PLC.

Work And Community And Political Life

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Elabor Joe Agbebaku

EJ has since his enrollment as a Legal Practitioner been in active legal practice in different areas of law and has successfully been engaged in several matters that cut across different strata including but not limited to rendering business compliance, sport, and intellectual property advisory to both domestic, international, and multinational companies and organizations.

After his National Youth Corps program, he joined and worked with the prestigious Stillwaters Law Firm in Lagos. A leading law Firm in Intellectual Property and Corporate Law Practice in Nigeria.

In his career, he has undergone and participated in several trainings and has been awarded certificates in several aspects, some of which are: Certificate of Training and Proficiency in Dispute Resolution; Certificate of Training and Participation in Music Business Masterclass Series on Copyright and Music Licensing; Certificate of Training organized by Intellectual Property Law Association of Nigeria (IPLAN) on The Overview of Copyright Law in Nigeria and several others. 

As a prolific writer and researcher, EJ has written some mind-blowing books which are in the process of being published, some of which are: “My Book of Owan Stories”; “Red Soil”; and several others. He has equally written several papers and articles on legal, political, governmental and societal issues which are published on national and international media publications and blogs. 

Apart from the Owan Project platform which he founded, EJ is a member of the following community and culturally based organizations:

⦁ He is a founding member, Board of Trustee member, and first and present Secretary General of the Unity Foundation for Owan Progress (UFOP), an association created to promote Owan culture, values and traditions, and to unite Owan sons and daughters. UFOP boasts as the largest ethnic forum in Edo North with over 20, 000 members.

⦁ He is also a member of the United Afemai People Association (UAPA), an association of reputable and distinguished sons and daughters of Afemai land, he currently serves in the Secretariat committee of the association.

⦁ In his hometown, EJ is a dedicated member of the Uhonmora Progressive Union (UPU), an umbrella platform of sons and daughters Uhonmora Ora.

⦁ He is a member of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA).

⦁  EJ is also a member of the Intellectual Property Law Association of Nigeria (IPLAN).

Through these associations and other platforms, EJ has been able to contribute his quota to the development of his community and constituency and still doing more for the service of humanity.

EJ is a young and vibrant gentleman who believes generally that politics should rather be a tool for societal improvement and enhancement, more so, an instrument of social engineering and not otherwise.

Against the backdrop of the preceding paragraphs, EJ is a core and dedicated member of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), a party he has affiliated and affirmed with since he attained voting age.

He is an active member of the youth wing of the party, and currently the State Ambassador of the PDP Youth Alliance (PDP YA), Edo State Chapter.

In all EJ does, he does not discriminate based on political, religious, ethnic, and other differences. He is guided by the basic principles of justice, fairness, honesty, trust, loyalty, and dedication to duty and above all, He braces to his mistakes and takes responsibility for them.

EJ has recently declared his intention to contest for the position of member, Federal House of Representatives, Owan Federal Constituency under the platform of his party the People’s Democratic Party in the forthcoming 2023 general elections, and he seeks the support and blessings of every well-meaning Nigerians to achieve this goal.

EJ’s dream has always been to see Owan developed and placed in an enviable position among other ethnic groups in Nigeria. He detests mediocrity and doesn’t encourage less or average, he wants the best for his constituency and believes that it is possible, in his words: “There something within and inside me that doesn’t allow me to settle for less or average. The best is what we want and deserve, and we shall have it”.

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Source: MandyNews.com

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