Love is good, but when there is money, it is better.
When you date someone, get married to them, and shower them with gifts at every holiday period, it is full of love, fun, and memories.
We have seen and read about how wealthy people lavishly present their lovers with gifts.
A similar video of two famous people with wealth is currently trending on the internet.
In the video, Cristiano Ronaldo, who is now without a club, receives a stunning Rolls-Royce for Christmas from his girlfriend, Georgina Rodriguez.
The new car costs about 400 thousand US dollars.
The fact that Cristiano Ronaldo’s contract with Manchester United was canceled around a month ago may have left him without a team, but that hasn’t stopped the Christmas celebrations at his home.
Georgina Rodriguez, the girlfriend of Ronaldo, uploaded a video on Instagram of a brand-new Rolls-Royce being wrapped in a thick ribbon.
In the now-famous video, Ronaldo’s reaction to what his lover had bought him left him speechless.
The professional player from Portugal also posted a story on Instagram with a picture of the expensive car and a note for his girlfriend.
In the video, some expensive presents are shown, including a Rolls-Royce automobile, a few Louis Vuitton bags, and some bicycles for the kids.
The stunning Argentine woman can be seen smiling to Mariah Carey’s “All I want for Christmas is you” while wearing red.
The video is available below:
Since Cristiano Ronaldo was unable to find happiness during the World Cup, the spirit of Christmas is at least helping him.