
Man Sentenced To Jail For Coronavirus Prank

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Karomat Dzhaborov

A YouTube prankster has been sentenced to five years in jail in Moscow, Russian on Monday, February 10, 2020.

The Russian police in Moscow detained the prankster over a viral video showing imitated coronavirus seizures on a crowded bus, in Moscow.

According to the viral video sighted by, instagrammer named “kara.prank” can be seen acting in a mask collapsing and convulsing as bus passengers run out of scene. As at the time of this report, the video has been deleted from kara prank Instagram page.

coronavirus prank on train

coronavirus prank on train

According to Moscow police, “One of the suspected hooligans was detained. We’re searching for accomplices”

The instagrammer, Karomat Dzhaborov is currently facing up to five years in prison on criminal charges of hooliganism.

He last post was on Sunday via Instagram, “Distribute this post, let everyone know about it
Friends I’m on the metro Kaluzhskaya
Union 59 to 1
Metro office address
I’ll be here until Monday
They want to put me down
Don’t be indifferent
For all questions, call the lawyer +7 925 119-23-06,” he wrote.

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