Pastor Tunde Bakare, a prominent Nigerian religious leader and former presidential candidate, has recently taken aim at the political entitlement of Bola Tinubu, a prominent Nigerian politician and former governor of Lagos state. In a statement, Bakare criticized what he referred to as “Emilokan” politics, though it is unclear what exactly he meant by that term.
Bakare did not provide any specific examples of Tinubu’s alleged “Emilokan” politics, but he was critical of the politician’s tactics and strategies. “The politics of ‘Emilokan’ is bad,” Bakare said in his statement. “does not align with present circumstances, perennial candidates just want to achieve lifetime ambition but not to serve the Nigerian people”
Bakare’s comments come at a time when Tinubu is widely considered to be a leading contender for the presidency in the upcoming Nigerian elections. Tinubu is a well-known figure in Nigerian politics, having served as governor of Lagos state from 1999 to 2007. He is also considered to be one of the most powerful political figures in the country.
Despite Bakare’s criticisms, Tinubu’s supporters have defended his political strategies, saying that they are necessary in order to bring about change in Nigeria. They also pointed out that Tinubu has a good record as a governor and that his policies helped to develop Lagos state.
To a small group of people in Ogun State, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu made the infamous “emilokan” comment as part of a disjointed, unfocused speech. The significance of that comment, however, quickly spread across the nation. In that speech, he alluded to a governor in office by the Yoruba pronoun “eleyi,” which means “this one” in English.
Watch the full video of Bakare speech or read the transcript below.
“Is giving way to a new era of democratic institutionalization. An animal’s responsibility therefore rests on the shoulders of the political class at this time to preserve our Democratic gains while providing leadership to the military and keeping it plant content with his responsibility to defend our territorial integrity. This era of democratic institutionalization calls for not just any type of leader – not just politicians who seek power for the sake of power, not leaders whose legitimacy can be questioned – but leaders with character, competence, and capacity. Imagine, through free, fair, and credible elections, and possessing the capacity to translate political capital to governance outcomes. Please bear this in mind as we now proceed to the politics and governance laboratory to conduct a diagnosis of the political landscape. Are you ready?
“In the politics and governance laboratory, our diagnosis will not be targeted at individual politicians, but at the kinds of politics we have observed in the Nigerian political landscape. These diagnoses will be based on what I call the ‘good tree, good fruit’ and the ‘bad tree, bad fruit’ principle. This principle is inspired by the words of the Lord Jesus Christ to his disciples in Matthew 7:15-20: ‘Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore, by their fruits you will know them.’ This principle of detecting the veracity of processes from outcomes or predicting outcomes from processes is applicable not just in the prophetic but also in the political context. It is based on the idea that destructive means cannot bring about a constructive end. From the kind of politics practice by those offering themselves for public office, we can predict the governance outcomes they will output even when they obtain power. This is the principle by which we will subject the 2023 elections to scrutiny in the governance laboratory. First, let us take a brief look at the difference between politics and governance.”
“In simple terms, they asked for. Learners dictionary defines Politics as the activities involved in getting and using power in public life and being able to influence decisions that affect the country or a society. Governance derives from the word ‘govern,’ which means to legally control a country or its people and be responsible for introducing new laws, organizing Public Services, etc.
Why politics? It refers to a set of activities geared towards obtaining and retaining power. Governance refers to the deployment of power through policies, institutions, and Investments. The difference between policies and governance could be likened to the difference between courtship and marriage. Governance is like marriage, it is a hard work of selfless, sacrificial love. In the same manner, politics is a process of winning voters, power blocks, and other stakeholders towards backing a candidate, a party, or a cause of action.
Why governance? It is a rolling up of sleeves to fulfill the promises made in the quest for power. This is what Mario Cuomo, the former Governor of New York, meant when he said, ‘You campaign in poetry, but your government in prose.’ Apologies are rubber, and it does not end with campaigns. Even after campaigns, policies and governance coexist as an overlapping and reinvassing loop.
This overlap of policies and governance is reflected in the classical definitions of politics by political scientist David Easton and Harold Laswell. While David Easton described Politics as the authoritative allocation of value, Aaron Laswell saw Politics as a mechanism that decides who gets what, when, and how. This overlap of politics and governance is well placed out when governments seek to balance competing political interests in areas that fall under the poverty of governance, such as how much should be allocated to different sectors or constituencies in the budget.
However, for the purpose of this address, we see Politics as a process of securing power and Governance as the output of power. That is Politics as a tree and Governance as a fruit. Two types of politics and their governance outcomes based on the good tree, good fruit and bad tree, bad fruit.”
“Principle: There are two broad types of politics, namely good politics (we translate to good governance) and bad politics (which translates to bad governance). We’ll begin our analysis with the latter: Bad politics and bad governance.
Bad politics is politics for politics sake; its dominant aim is to secure power and it seeks to do so at all costs. Governance is secondary to this kind of politics and may be altogether absent from its list of priorities. Even when promises of good governance are present in the manifestos of the practitioners of bad politics, such promises are merely a small screen concealing their true motivations. When bad politics achieves its power-grabbing aim, governance decisions and priorities are motivated by the desire to retain and consolidate power. This motivation is what drives policies, investments, and the management of institutions.
Bad politics could take any of the following ten forms. Are you ready?
The ten shapes and ten forms of bad politics:
Number one: Politics of division. The politics of division or divisive politics is adopted by politicians who capitalize on the polarization in our policy to achieve their political ambitions. Rather than seeking to build a bridge, such politicians use ethnic, regional, religious, partisan, generation, and class divisions to build dams between the people in order to have peace political support basis.
The agents of divisive politics do not hesitate to throw critical representation and inclusion out the window because politics to them is a game of numbers. While a sense of inclusion is secondary, they do not take a stand on issues of nationhood when the saints are taking a stand could infuriate their extremist support basis.
Fellow Nigerians, you may be wondering what kind of governance outcomes the policies of division outputs. This kind of politics can extinguish the dying embers of patriotism and further intensify the feelings of marginalization. It will nurture nepotism in political appointments and sectionalism in the allocation of projects and resources.”
“in a nutshell, divisive politics attacks the foundations of nationhood and fosters underdevelopment.
Number two, politics of deception. The policy of deception is defined by an attempted mixture of good tree and battery characteristics. The purveyors of this kind of politics thrive on false premises, including forced identities, contrived statistics, deliberate misinformation, propaganda, and such post-truth anecdotes that became known as ‘alternative facts’ in the government of former U.S president Donald Trump. In addition to false promises they have no intention of fulfilling, they design to live on suspecting voters. It was such position the former French president Charles de Gaulle referred to when he said, ‘since a politician never believes what he says, he is quite surprised to be taken at his word.’ The governor’s implication of the politics of deception is a lack of accountability and transparency, as well as a legacy of false promises because deceptive means cannot bring about a credible end.
Number three, politics of manipulation. If you have ever wondered why some political leaders have their countries, their regions, or their states in the palm of their hand as those territories were their private estates and the people their zombie subjects, then welcome to the workings of the politics of manipulation. Manipulative politicians are masters at the art of mind control. They deploy various means from the hypnotic to the philanthropic to maintain loyalty to such an extent that defines rationality, thoughtful Jesus adept as state capture and the weaponization of poverty. They loot the treasury and use the Lutheran funds to win loyalty through acts of generosity. One cannot better agree with Joseph Addison who posted that is there not some chosen curse some hidden thunder in the stars of heaven red within common wrath to bless the man who owes his greatness to his country’s ruin. The governor’s outcomes of the politics of manipulation include a decent into dictatorship, human rights violations, ground corruption, lack of accountability and a perpetuation of poverty.
Number four, politics of merchandise, also known as transactional politics. The politics of merchandise is practiced by politicians who, by delegates and then by candidates during primaries, purchase endorsement from power blocks and influences dealing campaigns, and by voters during elections. The governance results from this kind of politics is characterized by lack of accountability to citizens. When politicians get to power through vote buying, they do not think that they owe us the citizens any obligation. As a result, they have no business with us on to the next elections. Fellow citizens, in 2023 we must reject political merchants and vote buyers. That’s a good place to say Amen.”
“Number five: the politics of exploitation The apologies of exploitation are practiced by incumbents who divert state resources to the election campaigns or to fund anointed candidates; these politicians also exploit otherwise non-partisan institutions, such as security agencies, to carry out their political shenanigans. It’s also common to find exploitative politicians denying the opposition legitimate use of facilities. The politics of exploitation erodes confidence in institutions, depletes patriotism, and sabotages critical sectors of the economy.
Number six: politics of betrayal. This is so common here. The policy of betrayal is a brand of transactional politics deployed by candidates who lack a sense of loyalty. Policies of betrayer are what are at play when political leaders sell out members of their political party for political gain. For instance, in a bid to win a particular state at the presidential election, a presidential candidate of a given party makes backdoor deals with the governor of that state, who is from an opposing political party, in such a manner that throws the governorship candidate of his party under the bus. That is the politics of betrayer at play. Mahatma Gandhi describes it as “politics with our principles” and it will ultimately produce unprincipled leaders who will not hesitate to betray the citizens when they are faced with difficult choices. If you’re looking for a clear example of policies of betrayal, look at how many people have done an acrobatic display from APC to PDP from PDP to APC and they have become any government in power. They have no principles. They are ready to sleep with dogs and get on with fleas.
Number seven politics of slander, also known as gutter Politics The politics of slander deploys character assassination; transparency and uncountability mandate that those who offer to serve the public good must come forward and claim before the public; politicians must realize that you don’t rise by destroying others. The policies of slander will produce Mafia-type rulers who lack decency, and we can go to any length, including Watergate-type extremes, to dig out death on opponents. Such politics can breed civility in governance as well as stall development, in the words of Samuel Griswold Goodrich. Abuse is a weapon of the vulgar. Say that with me: abuse is a weapon of the vulgar.
Number eight politics of intimidation. The practitioners of the policies of intimidation use violence and scare tactics to undermine opposition and disenfranchise voters. The result of such politics is voter apathy and the avoidance of the political landscape by competent and credible candidates, especially women. In short politics produces leaders that lack legitimacy and who have no genuine sense of accountability to the people.
Number Nine politics of elimination When we think of the apologies of elimination, we remember our nation’s own Reserve political assassinations and the lingering questions they elicited: who killed Fungia Williams, who killed Malague, who killed Martial Harry, who killed Victoria Chintex by eliminating opponents? The practitioners of the politics of elimination deprived the nation of leaders who are more often than not better than themselves. This is the local type of politics that he sees on one stone even if circumstances do not align. The politics of entitlement also manifest as perennial candidacy, not with intent to serve but to gratify long-term personal ambitions. It could also manifest as insistence on a given political office as a reward for what one considers a lifetime of sacrifice to the nation. Politicians with a sense of entitlement evade political debate. They do not consider it imperative to communicate with the electorate. will breed an imperial presidency that is distant from the people and has no sense of responsibility or accountability to the people. Under such imperial governance, we slide towards dictatorship and will be intolerant of decent entitlement. Politicians set low performance benchmarks for themselves when they secure power and are content to be reproductive; this manifests as mountains of achievement. That’s bad politics, bad fruits, and all that. But let’s go to good politics and good governance and see that we make good politics and good governance.
Fellow Nigerians, we haven’t completed our analysis of bad politics and the bad governance it outputs. Let us take a look at good politics and its output of good governance. Good politics is pragmatic politics in the interests of the people. It is characterized by a pragmatic approach to distributing value and it seeks to improve the lives of the people in a manner that ensures that no one is Left Behind pragmatism in politics lies compromise, trust, forgiveness, and short-term pragmatic politics. That’s what German Statesman Otto von Bismarck meant when he famously said, “Politics is the art of the possible.” The attainable art of the next best in such politics is that everyone gets a seat at the table through representation, even if no one gets all they want on the negotiation table as individuals; the collective satisfaction more than makes up for the trade-offs.
This characteristic of good politics is a reminder of the words of Mahatma Gandhi: we have sufficient for everyone’s needs but not for the agreed-upon through Equitable representation Good politics results in good governance, which executes policies, plans, and programs in such a manner that ensures that citizens have access to public goods, including education, health care, and infrastructure. Good politics translates to good governance because it has the following 10 major characteristics: Number one, it is principled and values guided.
Good politics may make compromises on his demands in the interest of the nation, but he will never compromise on his principles and values.
Number two, it is realistic; it does not avoid reality but rather confronts it while admitting the problems and paradoxes plagued in the nation; it acknowledges that what has worked and gives due credit to his predecessors.
Number three is inspirational. Good politics does not dwell indefinitely on the problems; instead, it recognizes the nation’s potential and, based on an accurate and systematic analysis of the state of the nation, it leaves the people above the problems and shows them the possibilities of a great nation.
number four, it is vision-driven good Politics encapsulates the nation’s possibilities in a clear picture of the preferred Future
Number five is issue-based good politics, which focuses on salient issues of development rather than resorting to slander, character assassination, or not slinging.
Number six is Data guided The practitioners of good politics build their campaign promises on evidence; they are not unduly skeptical of data, but they endeavor to use accurate statistics and qualitative data.
Number Seven, it is communicative politicians who practice good politics. Talk to the people they intend to govern by communicating their late fears. restore hope and assure the citizenry
Number eight is engaging and interactive. The practitioners of good politics are open to interrogation, and they do not avoid debate or very difficult questions; they don’t even delegate their questions to others to answer for them.
Number nine It is inclusive good policies that give a sense of belonging to historically excluded or vulnerable groups, including women and young people. The elderly and persons living with disabilities
number 10. It is a nationhood; it is nationhood-oriented group politics that builds bridges across divisive lines and unites people towards a common cause of national greatness.
The practitioners of good politics esteem nationhood above ethnicity, religion, partisanship, and other sentiments. Their motto is “one nation under God.” Sit down with me, “one nation under God.” Politics with the aforementioned Noble features we produce produce the governance outcomes identified by the United Nations as characteristic of good governance.
Good governance in such a state will be participatory, consistent with the rule of law, transparent, responsive, and consensus-oriented. Equitable and inclusive; effective and efficient; and accountable Furthermore, the governor’s output of good politics will be characterized by increased or sustainable growth. peace peace order establishment good judgment or effective policy making Justice and patriotism Zeal: These qualities are contained in the framework of government described in Isaiah chapters 9:6–9. You can’t find it elsewhere. The reason I quote is that unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government will be upon his shoulder, and his name will be called a wonderful counselor. Mighty God, Everlasting Father Prince of Peace, of the increase of his government and peace, peace is a foundation of increase. Where you don’t find peace, there will be no stability; there will be no increase of his government and peace; there will be no end upon the throne of David and over his kingdom to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward even forever; the zeal of the Lord of Jose will perform this in Nigeria in the mighty name of Jesus. Bridging the Gap through the Politics of Substitution, fellow citizens, to bridge the gap between politics and governance, we must press the Jack button on the bastions of bad politics wherever we have unwittingly thrown our collective way behind liars and such purveyors of the kind of politics that produces bad governance. We must now activate the policies of substitution and give us support to persons who are from their politics so we can tell they serve the public good using the power we can fire on them by our vote. Now is the time to make up our minds and make that choice, in the words of William James: “When you have to make a choice and don’t make it, that is in itself a choice.” Fellow citizens, our Easter as a nation has been characterized by contention between polarizing forces between the North and the South between the Eagles, yorubas, and fulanis and the over 250 additional ethnic groups between Christians and Muslims between the old and the young between the military and statesmen and politicians on the other end, but now is the time and this is the moment for a new breed of leaders to emerge, a new breed of leaders that can reconcile past grievances and marginalization and give every constituent part of our nation a prominent seat at the table of brotherhood Focus from the divisiveness of bad politics to those common grounds where politics cannot divide us. the Common Grounds of our shared aspiration for peace and progress Prosperity the common ground of our shared need for security and nutrition Education, health care, jobs, success in business, access to electricity, good drugs, and other functional infrastructure the Common Grounds of our shared desire for National glory and achievement across endeavors and to be recognized and celebrated as a great nation among the nations of the world, now is the time to make that shift from politics for politics sake to politics for the sake of governance [applause] when we make that shift from being politics merely as a vehicle for grabbing and returning power to politics as a vehicle heading towards good governance, when we make good governance the central focus of our politics, when we judge him bad politics in his various forms and embrace the kind of politics that produces good governance, then and only then will we welcome the new Nigeria, a nation that can become the peace progress prosperity and possibilities capital of the world, when we embrace the kind of politics and embrace the kind of politics that outputs good governance, when we embrace the bad politics in its various forms and embrace the kind of politics, then and only then will we welcome the new Nigeria, a nation that can become the bad politics in the various forms and embrace the kind of politics that outputs good governance, then and God bless you and God bless our beloved nation, Nigeria. A man says, “Amen,” and I hear a good “amen.” You may be seated. I like to use the last 10 minutes for prayers. The rest I’ll leave till another time when we meet again. I’ve shared with you the burden of a prophet if he speaks he’s in trouble if you do not speak he’s in trouble. I want you to pray first and foremost this third prayer today for those who publish what they’ve heard the Bible says in Psalm 68 verse number 11 God gave the world great as a company of them that publish it. Let us pray that for all newspapers, agents on television, and radio they’ll be here they will report the US accurately, they will not misinterpret, they will not embellish, they will say what we have said without sensationalizing anything. Let’s pray for our journalist father in the name of Jesus, in the name of our journalist father in the name of Jesus, in the name of our journalist father in the Psalm 56 5-7 All day they twist my words and their thoughts are against me for evil; they gather together, they hide, they mark my steps. When the lion waits for my life, shall they escape by iniquity? In anger, they will cast down the people. Makers who try to twist what we have said here so that they don’t enter their own Waterloo in the name of Jesus, I pray that they will not place the wrong interpretation of what we say and you will help them to become accurate in their reporting, not sensationalizing or twisting any word, but becoming great companies of those who publish a true word in Jesus’ mighty name, amen. People of God, 30 years ago, just before June 12, 1993, just a few weeks before the election, I gave you a prophetic word. I said to verdict 93 Our God reigns; did he come to pass? I can’t hear you didn’t come to pass. Hear me loud and clear: history is about to repeat itself. verdict 2023 Nigeria wins, somebody shout Nigeria wins after President Ibrahim Babangida steps aside. I spoke to you by the spirit of the Lord that Shona comes entering government will be beheaded like each well the Supreme Court did the Archer job by declaring the interim government illegal and unconstitutional did I not say so before it happened did he happen now be fortunate because government was sent packing the law showed me a very fat cat dressed in the camouflage uniform of the Nigerian Army was two before two pieces of meat suspended by a threat and labeled SDP and NRC the fat cat ate both of them but an arrow from heaven was shot and pierced to the Fat Cat and killed the government was sent packing the law showed me a very fat cat dressed in the SDP and NRC were two before a threat and labeled SDP and NRC were a threat and labeled SDP and NRC were a threat and a a a a sd a threat and a ap I sang that song, and the department of the directorate of military intelligence came here to arrest me and take me to the apapa ikoyana. Papa interrogated me for hours and released me to go I returned here and I said thereafter I went to kanu for the conference of prophetic and Apostolic churches and I declared prophetically that Muslim Muhammad will not be the last head of state to be brought home dead a Bacha is coming home dead he was alive then and all kinds of Terror began at the beginning and to release Terror and frightening things against me but it did not happen subsequently abacha arrested dear another top Military Officers including generalization for he could deter or he could plot as true before you that when the killer wants to kill the killer shall be killed it was published him by tell magazine did he come to pass or not okay my life was threatened and some Palace prophets came here to tell us that our battle will succeed himself as a civilian president using the five parties he engineered to be registered which were later called The Five Fingers of a leper I stood before you and preached my last message on abacha from Proverbs chapter 12 verse 10. The tender masses of the wicked are cruel abacha. your time is up today’s broadcast in the name of Jesus everyone in the polity manipulating practicing bad politics I declare I decree your time is up foreign [Applause] people these workers will keep our people new Brokers will cause them to act very appropriately in the name of Jesus according to Rob bottom Perry Robbery said voting is the least of a citizen’s duties; he has the prior and harder duty of making up his mind. Someone may ask the question: “What do we do if we are faced with two evils?” My sister consoles you today as believers, we must not, we cannot afford to rule out the god factor. The Lord is still the governor among the nations; let us trust him to his place. Two evils with two goods: you think everything is close, but a new chapter, a new book, is about to be opened. All these four horses of the apocalypse running up and down are going nowhere; there’s going to be a resurgence. a new thing will happen, and God will give Nigeria’s true people true opportunities to choose to move the nation forward in the name of Jesus. So what do I say to you? I will call Trion Edward. He said that between two evils, truth and goodness, choose both. This, to my mind, is the direction of the wind of the spirit, which is blowing in replacing the old order with a new one, and before we cast any vote, a new breed without greed will emerge in its place. [Music] [Applause] in place of evil politicians God is going to raise good politicians. They will practice good politics. They will embark on good governance. Nigeria will be great again in the mighty name of Jesus. Nigeria, we will flourish again. Nigeria will flourish again. Nigeria will flourish again before you know it. If anyone in the PDP asks you how that can happen, if anyone in the APC asks you how that can happen, and we have done primary, there will be secondary, you understand me, you say how that can happen, and you tell them you are bigger than what people say you are a bit ago; you are glorious in 2023. Nigeria wins in the mighty name of Jesus 30 years ago verdict 93. Our god reigns God Almighty is now causing Nigeria to win and everyone holding Nigeria down in its history their time is up in the mighty name of Jesus Joy in this land in the name of Jesus begin to look through the window expecting good news that very soon new candidates will arise and all candidates will perish in Jesus’ mighty name since you believe and I believe. [Applause] [Music] [Music] victory, I will change your beliefs. [Music] [Music] I pledge to Nigeria, my country, to be faithful, honest, and motherly. You are joining me in the pledge, ready to go? Yes, I had to serve Nigeria. I had a unity, so help me God as you have led to Nigeria. The new Nigeria is here. You will eat the good of this land. And what do we say to bad politicians? Are you ready to say bye-bye to God?
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