
Scorpion Nest In An Abandoned House In Brazil Goes Viral

Scorpion Nest In An Abandoned House In Brazil Goes Viral

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Have you seen the shocking video of a massive nest of scorpions in an abandoned house in Brazil? It’s been making the rounds on the internet and it’s easy to see why. The sheer size and number of the scorpions is an incredible sight, and it’s a reminder of the beauty of nature and the importance of conserving natural habitats.

Videos are spreading like wildfire on social media these days. In this, thousands of figures of scorpions can be spotted within an abandoned home.

The scorpions are stretched out throughout the house’s ground, roof, and wall, as shown in the video. The storm is said to be the reason why there were so many scorpions that appeared overnight in the largest country in both South America and Latin America.

The now-viral video was first shared on the social media platform Reddit six months ago, in May of 2021.

It was reported that Sao Paulo, the most populous city in Brazil, was where the scorpion nest was discovered.

According to some experts, Titus serrulatus scorpions are the ones that can be seen in the video.

The majority of this species’ scorpions are located in Brazil. Mandy News discovered that this type of scorpions is parthenogenic, meaning that it can give birth to offspring without physical connection. This may explain why the creature is so common in the nation.

It was also claimed that in Brazil, scopions appear more vividly in ultraviolet light.

However, this isn’t the first time a Brazilian video concerning scorpion invasion has surfaced online.

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