
Guarding Your Privacy: 15 Things You Should Keep To Yourself

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Learn how to safeguard your personal boundaries in our comprehensive guide on, featuring 15 things you should never share with everyone in the era of digital oversharing.

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In today’s digital age, sharing has become the norm. We share photos, updates, and milestones, often without a second thought. Social media platforms have seamlessly integrated into our lives, transforming the landscape of personal privacy. However, even in this culture of openness, there’s a fine line between sharing and oversharing.

What do we mean by oversharing? Oversharing is when we share too much personal information publicly. It’s a delicate balance to maintain, and it’s even more critical when you consider that once something is shared on the internet, it’s virtually impossible to retract.

Have you ever stopped and asked yourself: What should I keep private? Which parts of my life should remain off social media platforms? If you’re unsure about what you should (and shouldn’t) be sharing online, you’ve come to the right place.

In this comprehensive guide on, we delve into the topic of personal privacy in the digital age. We provide a thoughtfully curated list of 15 things you should consider keeping private. By following this guide, you’ll protect your privacy and maintain healthier boundaries in your personal and professional relationships.

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1. Personal Information

Never casually disclose your personal details such as social security number, bank details, and home address. This information in the wrong hands can lead to heinous crimes like identity theft. The digital era may seem accommodating, but it’s also a playground for those with ill intentions.

“Never give out private information unless you’re certain it’s for a legitimate reason,” warns the Federal Trade Commission.

2. Your Complete Travel Itinerary

In the era of real-time social media updates, it’s tempting to announce every detail of your well-deserved vacation. However, doing so not only alerts potential criminals to your empty home, but it can also expose you to other forms of privacy invasion. Share your beautiful moments, but keep the specifics for after you’ve safely returned.

3. Your Passwords

Despite the implicit trust you might have in your friends and family, passwords are designed to safeguard your personal space, both offline and online. Never compromise your security by sharing them. Doing so could unintentionally provide access to your personal correspondence, financial data, and other sensitive information.

4. Your Medical History

Discussing health matters can provide relief and support from your close circle, but broadcasting your medical history to everyone isn’t advisable. Privacy in healthcare is crucial. It prevents misuse of information, stigma, and even discrimination. Your medical history is personal and should be shared on a need-to-know basis.

5. Your Workplace Gossip

Office politics and gossip are tempting topics of discussion. However, discussing these matters outside of the workplace can harm professional relationships, compromise trust, and even lead to legal issues. Maintaining professionalism and discretion when discussing your job preserves your reputation and the integrity of your workplace.

6. Your Major Purchases or Investments

Discussing significant purchases or investments might seem harmless, but it can invite negative attention. Flaunting your wealth might induce jealousy, resentment, or even predatory behaviors from others. Besides, true financial wisdom lies in discreet wealth management.

7. Your Family’s Personal Information

Respect for your own privacy should extend to your family. Be vigilant about not sharing your family members’ personal details without their permission. This includes sensitive information like their address, work details, or personal anecdotes. You should be the gatekeeper of their privacy when they’re in your story.

8. Your Deeply Held Beliefs

Politics, religion, and other deeply ingrained beliefs form an integral part of our identity. These subjects can quickly polarize people, even when discussed in person, let alone on public platforms. It’s healthy to engage in debates, but avoid making these topics a public spectacle to prevent alienating those with different perspectives.

9. Your Deepest Fears and Insecurities

Fears and insecurities are deeply personal aspects of our psyche. Revealing these facets of yourself can make you vulnerable to exploitation or judgment. It’s crucial to have a support system you can trust, but broadcasting your vulnerabilities to the world can do more harm than good.

10. Your Financial Situation

Money can often be a divisive subject. Sharing your financial status, whether it’s good or bad, can lead to various unwanted situations. It may provoke envy or solicitations for money from others or lead to unsolicited advice and judgement. Keep your financial details to yourself to maintain a respectful distance.

11. Your Romantic Problems

Sharing romantic problems with everyone can stir up unwarranted gossip and unsolicited advice. It’s okay to seek advice from trusted friends or counselors, but remember that your relationship is between you and your partner. It’s essential to maintain respect for your partner’s privacy and the integrity of your relationship.

12. Your Personal Goals

Our ambitions are deeply personal. Sharing them too early can expose you to negativity, criticism, or even theft of your ideas. Work diligently towards your goals, and when you achieve them, your success will make the announcement for you.

13. Your Negative Opinions About Others

Talking negatively about others may offer temporary relief but remember the adage: “what Susie says of Sally says more of Susie than of Sally.” Speaking ill of others only serves to reflect poorly on you. Instead, promote positivity and uplift others. You’ll find it reciprocated.

14. Your Past Mistakes and Regrets

We all have a past filled with mistakes and regrets. These experiences are part of our growth and should be learned from, not publicly broadcast. Over-sharing about past missteps can lead to judgements, misunderstandings, and shame. It’s better to learn from the past and focus on the future.

15. Your Future Plans

While it’s healthy to have aspirations and plans, avoid sharing your future intentions prematurely. Not only can this lead to unsolicited advice and potential disappointment if plans change, but some people may also try to undermine your plans. Protect your future by keeping it under wraps until it becomes the present.

In conclusion, it’s essential to strike a balance between openness and privacy in our lives. While it’s perfectly okay to share parts of our lives, it’s equally important to protect our personal boundaries. As the old saying goes, discretion is the better part of valor.

“Privacy – like eating and breathing – is one of life’s basic requirements,” asserts Katherine Neville, renowned novelist.

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