
Video Of Red Glow Atlantic Ocean Goes Viral

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Have you read about or watched the popular video of the red glow Atlantic Ocean that went viral on social media? It originated on Reddit.

As someone who has traveled far and spent a lot of time flying, I can attest that the sky is always blue, unlike the pilot who flew over the Atlantic and noted a strange red glow over the ocean.

A Reddit thread that has since gone viral claims that a pilot reports seeing a mysterious red glow over the Atlantic that is unlike anything he has ever seen.

The three pictures of the Red Glow Atlantic Ocean were included in the post that was uploaded by Reddit user mohiemen.

Red Glow Atlantic Ocean
Red Glow Atlantic Ocean. Source: mohiemen/Reddit

He wrote; “Mysterious red glow seen over the Atlantic, pilot says he’s never seen anything like it. Via July 2022.”

Atlantic Ocean Red Glow Photos

An unexplainable blood red glow can be seen in the now-viral images, which is nearly frightful. This has prompted hundreds of thousands of people to post comments expressing their opinions on Reddit as well as other notable social media platforms.

Some of the Redditors’ thoughts on what the occurrence might be were obtained by

The Atlantic Ocean Red Glow has three possible scenarios, one Redditor explained:

  1. Fish populations are down to small concentrations.
  2. Chinese fishing boats have fished out the Pacific and are now factory fishing in the Atlantic.
  3. Atlantic-based fishing boats have adopted China’s factory fishing strategy.

Some people made the bold prediction that it might be the end of days.

“If I’m not wrong, the first DOOM game was set in 2022, so this is it,” a Redditor said.

One of the more plausible remarks seen by came from a Redditor who speculated that the Red Glow might be a fishing boat.

“I believe this to be fishing vessels using strong red lights to attract saury,” he said.

Your favorite blog Mandy News performed a thorough investigation and found that the reason for the red glow in the Atlantic Ocean was caused by boats that were outfitted with enormous arrays of red LED panels for Saury fishing.


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