
A Book To Read Before Supporting Or Voting For Any Political Candidate

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A Book To Read Before Supporting Or Voting For Any Political Candidate

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Determined to Do More: The Mission is Possible by Nenyi George Andah.

Interesting part:

  • Dealing with Politicians is like sleeping with tigers.
  • Have your eyes wide open like a tiger.
  • In Political equation, there’s always someone being used. If you can’t find one, then it’s you.

During campaign season in Nigerian politics, everyone’s blood pressure rises, inciting party sentiments and cultural grudges.

How can we take a step back from the menace going on and still provide wisdom on how to approach the challenge of electing a presidential candidate?

How do we stop fighting over politics and leaders who don’t care about us?

A Nigerian political scientist, Jibrin Ibrahim, shared on Twitter that “during elections, politicians move with their thugs, not their families. During the inauguration, they will move with their families rather than their thugs.”

A Nigerian mathematician, Ismail Adamu, said, “To get the true picture of your value as a thug to a politician, just tell him that you want to marry his daughter.”

Mandy asked Collins WeGlobe, a travel blogger and the founder of SnowPose, to pick the best book for our readers to read before voting or supporting any politician in the upcoming presidential election. 

The Nigerian-born globetrotter picked a book by the Ghanaian ex-MP, Nenyi George Andah, titled “Determined to do more.”

The book includes captivating life stories that highlight why African youth can achieve great things without leaving the continent in pursuit of greener pastures, as well as details on the former deputy communication minister’s move from the business sector to active frontline politics.

The 400-page book, which is divided into 11 chapters, contains not only Mr Andah’s daily memories and unexpected events, but also interviews with notable figures from many spheres of the country and their experiences in order to motivate readers to be better than their former selves.

On page 224 of the book, the information minister wrote an eye-opening message expressing deadly political principles.

“To him, the things associated with active do not conform to my personality and hence, I should stay away from them.”

“I reproduce his reasons just as he sent them to me.”

Political principles that are perceived to be lethal. In politics, you must understand that:

  1. Nobody has your interests.
  2. Everybody is chasing their interests.
  3. Dealing with politicians is like sleeping with tigers you must always have your eyes wide open
  4. In any Political equation, there’s always someone being used. If you can’t find one, then it is you.
  5. Serving politicians is like a bandage on a wound. Once the wound is healed your usefulness ends.
  6. Politicians don’t recognize and reward value, they recognize their own needs and you are only as useful as the lifespan of their need for you.
  7. In Politics never wail more than the bereaved.
  8. They will get the reward while you inherit their enemies.
  9. In Politics, in any event, if other interests conflict with your interests and you have to choose always choose yours.
  10. Never cross oceans for Politicians.

However, George Andah’s revelation about politicians “chasing their interests” is scary. How do we continue to vote for people who chase their personal interests and believe they can turn the nation’s fortunes around?

Are all politicians the same? People say every politician is the same, but I don’t believe that. You can’t expect someone who has a bad record to be the same as someone with a good record.

Vote wisely, support politicians wisely.

This book is not on PDF don’t send scammer money.

Note: We were not paid to promote this book. We don’t know the owner, and he doesn’t know us. That’s why we didn’t add any links to that article. 

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Source: MandyNews.com

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