30 days to the end of the year, we are survivors.
A happy new month of December 2022, start your new month with a prayer to whatever you pray to, make positive declarations.
It’s the start of a new month. Get renewed with these powerful prayers for the new month.
Start the month with prayer and powerful, life-changing declarations. Trust God fully and pray the word with passion.
Check below, you will find the best prayer points for December with scriptures. Stay focused and read through.
Prayer For Blessing And Favor Bible Verse
- Lord, bless me and keep me. Make Your face to shine
upon me, and be gracious unto me. Lord, lift up Your
countenance upon me and give me peace (Num. 6:24–26). - Make me as Ephraim and Manasseh (Gen. 48:20).
- Let me be satisfied with favor and filled with Your blessing (Deut. 33:23).
- Lord, command Your blessing upon my life. Give me revelation, and let me be blessed (Matt. 16:17).
I am the seed of Abraham through Jesus Christ, and
I receive the blessing of Abraham. Lord, in blessing,
bless me, and in multiplying, multiply me as the stars of heaven and as the sand of the seashore. - Let Your showers of blessing be upon my life (Ezek. 34:26).
- Turn every curse sent my way into a blessing (Neh. 13:2).
- Let Your blessing make me rich (Prov. 10:22).
- Let all nations call me blessed (Mal. 3:12).
- Let all generations call me blessed (Luke 1:48).
- I am a son of the blessed (Mark 14:61).
- I live in the kingdom of the blessed (Mark 11:10).
- My sins are forgiven, and I am blessed (Rom. 4:7).
- Lord, You daily load me with benefits (Ps. 68:19).
- I am chosen by God, and I am blessed (Ps. 65:4).
- My seed is blessed (Ps. 37:26).
- Let me inherit the land (Ps. 37:22).
- I am a part of a holy nation, and I am blessed (Ps. 33:12).
- Lord, bless my latter end more than my beginning (Job 42:12).
- Lord, let Your presence bless my life (2 Sam. 6:11).
- I drink the cup of blessing (1 Cor. 10:16).
- Lord, bless me and cause Your face to shine upon me, that Your way may be known upon the earth and Your saving health among all nations. Let my land yield increase, and let the ends of the earth fear You (Ps. 67).
- I know You favor me because my enemies do not triumph over me (Ps. 41:11).
- Lord, be favorable unto my land (Ps. 85:1).
- Lord, grant me life and favor (Job 10:12).
- In Your favor, Lord, make my mountain stand strong (Ps. 30:7).
- Lord, I entreat Your favor (Ps. 45:12).
- Let Your favor cause my horn to be exalted (Ps. 89:17).
- Lord, this is my set time for favor (Ps. 102:13).
- Remember me, O Lord, with the favor that You bring unto
- Your children, and visit me with Your salvation (Ps. 106:4).
- Lord, I entreat Your favor with my whole heart (Ps. 119:58).
- Let Your favor be upon my life as a cloud
- of the latter rain (Prov. 16:15).
- Let Your beauty be upon my life, and let
- me be well-favored (Gen. 29:17).
- I am highly favored (Luke 1:28).
- Lord, let me receive extraordinary favor.
Prayer For Revelation And Direction Bible Verses
- You are a God that reveals secrets. Lord, reveal Your secrets unto me (Dan. 2:28).
- Reveal to me the secret and deep things (Dan. 2:22).
- Let me understand things kept secret from the foundation of the world (Matt. 13:35).
- Let the seals be broken from Your Word (Dan. 12:9).
- Let me understand and have revelation of Your will and purpose for my life.
- Give me the spirit of wisdom and revelation, and let the eyes of my understanding be enlightened (Eph. 1:17).
- Let me understand heavenly things (John 3:12).
- Open my eyes to behold wondrous things out of Your Word (Ps. 119:18).
- Let me know and understand the mysteries of the kingdom (Mark 4:11).
- Let me speak to others by revelation (1 Cor. 14:6).
- Reveal Your secrets to Your servants the prophets (Amos 3:7).
- Let the hidden things be made manifest (Mark 4:22).
- Hide Your truths from the wise and prudent, and reveal them to babes (Matt. 11:25).
- Let Your arm be revealed in my life (John 12:38).
- Reveal the things that belong to me (Deut. 29:29).
- Let Your Word be revealed unto me (1 Sam. 3:7).
- Let Your glory be revealed in my life (Isa. 40:5).
- Let Your righteousness be revealed in my life (Isa. 56:1).
- Let me receive visions and revelations of the Lord (2 Cor. 12:1).
- Let me receive an abundance of revelations (2 Cor. 12:7).
- Let me be a good steward of Your revelations (1 Cor. 4:1).
- Let me speak the mystery of Christ (Col. 4:3).
- Let me receive and understand Your hidden wisdom (1 Cor. 2:7).
- Hide not Your commandments from me (Ps. 119:19).
- Let me speak the wisdom of God in a mystery (1 Cor. 2:7).
- Let me make known the mystery of the gospel (Eph. 6:19).
- Make known unto me the mystery of Your will (Eph. 1:9).
- Open Your dark sayings upon the harp (Ps. 49:4).
- Let me understand Your parables; the words of
- the wise and their dark sayings (Prov. 1:6).
- Lord, lighten my candle and enlighten my darkness (Ps. 18:28).
- Make darkness light before me (Isa. 42:16).
- Give me the treasures of darkness And hidden riches in secret places (Isa. 45:3).
- Let Your candle shine upon my head (Job 29:3).
- My spirit is the candle of the Lord, searching all the inward parts of the belly (Prov. 20:27).
- Let me understand the deep things of God (1 Cor. 2:10).
- Let me understand Your deep thoughts (Ps. 92:5).
- Let my eyes be enlightened with Your Word (Ps. 19:8).
- My eyes are blessed to see (Luke 10:23).
- Let all spiritual cataracts and scales be removed from my eyes (Acts 9:18).
Let me comprehend with all saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height of Your love (Eph. 3:18). - Let my reins instruct me in the night season, and let me awaken with revelation (Ps. 16:7).
Prayer Points For Growth And Increase Bible Verses
- Break off of my life any limitations and restrictions placed on my life by any evil spirits in the name of Jesus.
I bind and cast out all python and constrictor spirits in the name of Jesus. - Bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast. Let Your hand be with me, and keep me from evil (1 Chron. 4:10).
- Cast out my enemies, and enlarge my borders (Exod. 34:24).
- Lord, You have promised to enlarge my borders (Deut. 12:20).
- Enlarge my heart so I can run the way of Your commandments (Ps. 119:32).
- My mouth is enlarged over my enemies (1 Sam. 2:1).
- Enlarge my steps so I can receive Your wealth and prosperity (Isa. 60:5–9).
- I receive deliverance and enlargement for my life (Esther 4:14).
- The Lord shall increase me more and more, me and my children (Ps. 115:14).
- Let Your kingdom and government increase in my life (Isa. 9:7).
- Let me increase in the knowledge of God (Col. 2:19).
- O Lord, bless me and increase me (Isa. 51:2).
Let me increase exceedingly (Gen. 30:43). - Let me increase with the increase of God (Col. 2:19).
- Let me increase and abound in love (1 Th ess. 3:12).
- Increase my greatness, and comfort me on every side (Ps. 71:21).
- Let me increase in wisdom and stature (Luke 2:52).
- Let me increase in strength and confound the adversaries (Acts 9:22).
- Let Your grace and favor increase in my life.
- Let the years of my life be increased (Prov. 9:11).
- Let the Word of God increase in my life (Acts 6:7).
- Bless me in all my increase (Deut. 14:22).
- Let my giving and tithes increase (Deut. 14:22).
- Let my latter end greatly increase (Job 8:7).
- Let me grow in grace and in the knowledge
- of Jesus Christ (2 Pet. 3:18).
- I will fl ourish like a palm tree and grow like a cedar in Lebanon (Ps. 92:12).
Let my faith grow exceedingly (2 Th ess. 1:3). - The breaker is gone up before me and broken through every limitation and barrier of the enemy (Mic. 2:13).
- Lord, You are the God of the breakthrough. You have broken forth against my enemies (2 Sam. 5:20).
- My branches run over every wall erected by the enemy (Gen. 49:22).
- I can run through a troop and leap over a wall (Ps. 18:29).
- Let my line go through all the earth, and my
- words to the end of the world (Ps. 19:4).
- I am a joint heir with Jesus Christ. Give me the heathen for my inheritance and the uttermost part of the earth for my possession (Ps. 2:8).
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