Argentine singer Oriana Sabatini, Dybala’s girlfriend said via Instagram: “Cough, headache and breathing difficulties but I didn’t think I had the coronavirus”
“Me, my fiancé (Dybala, ed) and another person who lives at home with us took the test to see if we had coronavirus. The results have arrived and we are all positive.” Oriana Sabatini, the girlfriend of the Juventus player, told through a video published on Instagram, how she lived the moments before and after knowing about the positivity of the coronavirus. “Now we are fine. I had the symptoms: cough, bone pain, headache. I continued to train because I didn’t know I was infected, then I noticed that my breathing had changed.”
Paulo Dybala, together with Daniele Rugani and Blaise Matuidi, is the third Juventus player to have tested positive for the coronavirus.