
Nigerian Doctor Discovers Another Cure For Covid-19


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A Nigerian man, Dr. Jawa Ibrahim Muhammad from Yobe State has discovered an Anti-dote and herbal medicine for curing the coronavirus COVID-19.

The NCDC, Presidential Taskforce on COVID-19 and Governor of Yobe, are in receipt of the antidote and curative medicine at the time of this report and are waiting for approval after due process of certification by relevant authorities.

What is the Cure For Covid-19

He also produced 4 herbal seeds and plants that improve the lungs and removes the mucous that block the chambers in COVID-19 attack, which brings about seizures and deaths.

Who is Dr. Jawa Ibrahim Muhammad?

Dr. Jawa has a Masters Degree from WFAS Institute Beijing. He also has a PhD in Holistic Medicine (African traditional Medical Science) from the University of Kolkata.

Dr. Jawa has 40 years of experience in the field. He produced medicines for preventive, curative and detoxifier.

Dr. Jawa was Executive Secretary of Yobe Traditional Medicine Board and National President of African Traditional Medicine Practitioners. He has set up a powerful school that awards diploma in African and Chinese Traditional Medicine, duly certified by Federal Ministry of Health

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