
Putin Says Russia Wants An End To The War In Ukraine

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Putin Says Russia Wants An End To The War In Ukraine

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Russian President Vladimir Putin stated on Thursday that his country wants to put an end to the conflict in Ukraine and that a peaceful solution must be found.

Putin’s remarks came the day after United states President Joe Biden welcomed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to the White House and assured him of the US’s ongoing, unrelenting support.

However, Ukraine and its supporters are likely to view the statements with suspicion.

In the popular video, which Mandy News has now obtained the transcript of, Putin says:

“We want to put an end to this war, not restart the armed fight, according to Putin. “We will work to put an end to this, and obviously the sooner the better.”

Although Russia has insisted repeatedly that it is open to dialogue, Ukraine and its supporters believe that this is merely a deception to buy time following a string of Russian setbacks and retreats that have tipped the balance of the 10-month conflict in Kyiv’s favor.

Putin told a press conference, “I have warned many times: the escalation of conflicts causes needless losses.”

“Every military confrontation ends in some manner with negotiations on the diplomatic track,” he continued. “Any parties engaged in fighting eventually sit down and reach a compromise. The sooner those who disagree with us realize this, the better. On this, we have never given up.”

According to Putin, Ukraine is the one who won’t communicate. Russian attacks must end, according to Zelensky, and all gained territory must be returned.

Putin also downplayed the importance of the Patriot air defense system that Biden promised to give Zelenskiy, claiming that Russia will find a way to suppress it.

He claimed it was “very ancient” and didn’t function like the S-300 system used by Russia. He boasted that Russia would “crack” the Patriots and remarked that an antidote would always be discovered.

“Thus, people who do it are wasting their time. Simply said, it’s just extending the conflict.”

Putin also stated that the Russian economy would not be harmed by a price ceiling that Western nations set on Russian oil in an effort to reduce its capacity to finance the conflict. A decree outlining Russia’s response, he added, would be signed early the following week.

Some of the pieces were taken directly from Reuters.

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