Read the chilling story of Betty, an air hostess who abandoned everything to join a cult church in Kenya, only to end...
A Nigerian woman who spent her entire savings to fly her husband to the UK has been left devastated and betrayed by...
A Lusaka couple's 13-year marriage ends over repeated intrusion of husband into wife's privacy, including inspections of private parts.
Discover the truth behind the rumored relationship between Mr Ibu and Jasmine. Get the full story here.
A 20-year-old Idaho woman's video goes viral as her newborn son is born holding onto her IUD.
Actress Iretiola Doyle And Husband Patrick Officially Divorce
Ugandan Husband Caught Pregnant Wife With Another Man In Hospital Bed
Husband in Tears After Wife Reveals Shocking Truth: 'You're Not the Biological Father of Our Children'
Husband Violently Attacks And Kills Man Suspected Of Affair With Wife In Kenya
A Herbalist, Lajuwon Ogunleye and his Wife, Adetutu Apalaya used their 7-year-old son (Lajuwons stepson) for Ritual in Abigi Ogun Waterside. They...