
The 20 Best Countries To Move To For Work 2021

best countries to relocate and work in 2021

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At least thousands of workers around the world have died of covid-19, and millions more have tested positive for the deadly novel coronavirus in 2020.

Yes, many people are moving out of their country of origin. While others are still surfing the internet searching for “best country to live in, best countries to work abroad, best countries for jobs in 2021.

According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), about 25 million jobs could be lost worldwide due to the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic: Underemployment is also expected to increase on a large scale.

“What Doesn’t Works For Others, Will Work For You” – weglobe

If you dream of leaving your country in 2021 to live full time abroad, here are the best countries to work abroad are affordable, safe and offer job opportunities for foreigners.

20 countries in the world where you can relocate and work in 2021 include;

    1. Luxembourg
    2. New Zealand
    3. Singapore
    4. UK
    5. Switzerland
    6. China
    7. Hong Kong
    8. Ecuador
    9. Thailand
    10. Japan
    11. Switzerland
    12. Germany
    13. Canada
    14. Finland
    15. Australia
    16. France
    17. Netherlands
    18. Denmark
    19. Norway
    20. Sweden



  • One of the highest standard of the living country in the world
  • the highest minimum wage in Europe
  • Most Luxembourgish people are multilingual, speaking Luxembourgish, German, French, and English. Children at state schools are taught in all four languages.
  • The European Court of Justice, European Court of Auditors (pictured), Secretariat of the European Parliament, European Investment Bank, European Investment Fund and the European Stability Mechanism are all located in the country
  • Luxembourg has the highest gross minimum wage at €2,142

New Zealand
New Zealand


  • If you’re 16 years or above the minimum wage is $19 an hour
  • Low Cost of Living
  • There’s right to everything for Expats; the right to vote and access to the same government-subsidised benefits that citizens do, including healthcare and public education.
  • High-quality Healthcare
  • the educational system is one of the best in the world, and it’s free if you are a permanent resident



  • The country provides one of the world’s most business-friendly regulatory environment for local entrepreneurs
  • It the world’s most competitive economies.
  • Singapore is one of the richest countries in the world to date
  • minimum wage of $2,931.21Cons
  • Before you relocate to Singapore search for a job



  • The UK has a strong economy
  • high standard of living
  • great working surroundings
  • Longer paid holidays
  • free healthcare
  • good minimum wage (1,598.69 EUR per month)Cons:
  •  Rent is expensive
  • schools are expensive
  • shopping is generally expensive.


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