
Italy Elections 2022: Giorgia Meloni Takes Early Lead

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Italy Elections 2022: Giorgia Meloni Takes Early Lead

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According to Rai’s publication of the results of the exit polls, the leader of the right-wing Brothers of Italy party, Giorgia Meloni, has received more votes.

Following today’s election, she is expected to become Italy’s first female prime minister, much to the dismay of the left. Stopping illegal immigration is a primary concern for her party, whose motto is “God, family, country,” according to her.

Several international media outlets have already reported that an early exit poll shows a resounding victory for the right-wing alliance led by Giorgia Meloni.

“The far right heading toward election victory.” “Giorgia Meloni is set to be the first female prime in Italy, according to the exit polls,” the headline of the BBC’s breaking news reads.

A Meloni-led Italy “would worry a huge section of Europe,” according to the British broadcaster, while the Russian war in Ukraine rages on.

The French newspaper Le Figaro’s headline on the website that conducts a live vote along with the results of the exit polls reads, “The right-wing coalition largely in the lead.”

The CNN breaking news segment on the elections features a headline that reads, “Giorgia Meloni is starting to be the most right-wing Italian premier since Mussolini – exit poll.” In the segment, she mentions the Brothers of Italy’s fascist history and its anti-European views.

El Pais begins her website with the statement, “The ultra-right wins the elections in Italy for the first time,” highlighting “the historic abstention” in today’s vote and referring to a “political earthquake.” The “extreme right” has triumphed, according to the German Faz.

The Guardian’s headline reads, “Exit Polls Show Far Right Victory.”

The German newspaper Bild uses the wordplay “Rechts-Rumms in Rom,” which translates to “a blow to the right in Rome” but might equally mean “a pleasant blow in Rome.”

Le Monde makes an interesting decision, stating that “the next step belongs at the center” and opening with a picture of Carlo Calenda and Matteo Renzi, implying a significant role for the third pole in the discussions for the next executive.

Al Jazeera, on the other hand, concentrates on what would be a woman’s first visit to Palazzo Chigi.

“The Italian election is finished, but Europe braces for the likelihood of yet another rightward tilt.”

In its live coverage of the elections, The New York Times reports that Giorgia Meloni, a leader of the far-right with “post-fascist antecedents,” may become Italy’s first female prime minister.

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Source: MandyNews.com

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