
Joseph Egbunike Dead: Everything To Know

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Joseph Egbunike Dead: Everything To Know

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The Deputy inspector general of police died at age 59 on Wednesday, MANDYNEWS confirmed

The Anambra-born police officer, whose real name was Joseph Egbunike, died after a brief illness. He was pronounced dead around 9:14 p.m. local time at the National Hospital, Abuja, the Nigeria Police Force media said.

The Nigeria Police Force social media confirmed that his cause of death was due to a “brief illness.” 

Here’s everything to know about the late Deputy inspector general of police.

Joseph Egbunike
Joseph Egbunike

Educational qualifications

Egbunike graduate of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, with (Hons) Accounting, he also holds a Bachelor of Laws (LLB Hons.), B.L. and a Masters in International Law and Diplomacy (MILD) and PhD in Criminology.

He was in the accounts and finance section of the force even as he held a degree in law, a Master’s degree in law, and a PhD in Criminology.

Job Experience

At the time of his death, he was the Deputy Inspector-General of Police in charge of the Force Criminal Investigation Department and the supervisory DIG in charge of the South-East. He had earned about 33 years of experience in the Nigeria Police Force.


Joseph was a member of the following bodies in Nigeria:

  • International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)
  • Association of National Accountants of Nigeria (ANAN)
  • Nigeria Bar Association (NBA)
  • Member, Institute of Cost Management (ICM)
  • Nigeria Institute of Management (NIM)
  • Member, Chartered Institute of Fraud Examiners.

More About DIG Joseph Egbunike

  • He from Onitsha, Anambra State
  • He was happily married and blessed with children.

May his soul rest in peace

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