
Apostle Suleman 2020 Prophecy: Prophecy On Kim Jong-un Has Come True


what Apostle Suleman said about the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un

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Apostle Suleman said in Prophecy 29 on his world prophecies for 2020 that the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un, should pray against the kidney infection.

Speculation has spread that the North Korean leader was in ill health after undergoing heart surgery on April 12, multiple sources have claimed that the North Korean dictator, Kim Jong-un died Saturday.

Can we say Apostle Suleman’s 2020 Prophecy comes to pass?

  • WORLD PROPHECIES FOR 2020 By Apostle Prof. Johnson Suleman 


1. The agricultural boom in Nigeria, the greatest in history.

2. I saw more activists arrested.

3. There will be a series of earthquake, tremor, even in Nigeria.

4. the U.K experiences Brex it finally.

5. A new pattern of letter explosion.

6. I see ethnic clashes in Nigeria. Please let’s pray hard.

7. The improved security situation in Nigeria.

8. I see internal deportations in Nigeria.

9. 1 saw NFF ( Nigeria) receive world recognition.

10. Liberia needs prayers; serious prayer (blood bath). 11.1 saw cows killing herdsmen.

12. The ruling party will fight the presidency.

13.1 saw the rise of many music stars.

14. 0n the 24 of August 2019, I saw a revelation of many former governors jailed, but some were granted bail before completing their terms.

15. Abuja residents should pray hard against killings.

16. I saw a senator collapse in public but later resuscitated.

17.Crises in NLC.

18. Lagos NURTW to pray against their leaders been poisoned.

19.N Nigeria Presidency to release Elzazaky; I saw Him been laid to rest and it caused an unspeakable uproar. It can be avoided if he is released.

20. I saw something invented for cooking plugged to electricity.

21. A popular known young musician in Nigeria drugged by one of his boys and hospitalized, but survived.

22.1 see a new medical centre in Nigeria attracting inflow of foreigners into the country. (Improved health system).

23.1 saw something that looks like a referendum.

24. I saw a country been split into two and there was a mass protest.

25. The Nigeria Government should focus on fixing the road. It’s urgent, as this would address a major crisis between Feb/March.

26. I see federal cabinet ministers having crises and been indicted.

27. China to experience major losses.

28. I see mass killings in Iran.

29. The leader of North Korea should pray against kidney infection.

30. I saw Nigerians greatly honoured on the international scene.

31. 1 saw a great improvement in the IT industry.

32. A great businessman taking the political stage.

33. I saw president Macron (France) fired some people in leadership. 34. I saw the Nigerian film industry receive support from private investors.

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