There’s a video that’s been making rounds on the internet, showing two men on a palm tree. A lot of people got it wrong, thinking it’s something naughty. But hey, let’s set the record straight.
The Real Deal: Izọ Nkwu
Okay, so this video is actually about a special tradition in Igbo culture called Izọ Nkwu. It’s not about what people thought. This tradition is really important when someone respected in the community has died.
Here’s What Happens:
There’s this youngest leaf at the top of a palm tree.
Someone climbs up the tree to pull it out.
If they do it right, the tree stops making fruits. It’s a way to show that a great person has passed away.
The Video Got It All Twisted
The video got famous for all the wrong reasons. People thought the men were doing something else. But a well-known person, Precious, explained it all on social media:
“They’re not doing anything bad. It’s part of an Igbo funeral. The guy is trying to get the leaf from the tree. The other guy is just helping him so he doesn’t fall.”
Why This Matters
This shows how easy it is to get things wrong on the internet. You see something, and it looks one way, but it might be something totally different. Always good to check the facts!
How to Know What’s True:
Learn about different cultures.
Listen to people who know what they’re talking about.
Look for more information before believing what you see.
Final Verdict:
No, they aren’t engaging in any sexual activity. What we’re seeing here is a deeply-rooted tradition. The focus is on the tender palm fronds at the center of the tree. The climber isn’t permitted to use his hands for this task, so he relies on his feet to stomp the fronds. And the person behind? He’s just there to make sure the climber doesn’t fall off. It’s all about tradition and safety.
In Conclusion
So, that video of two guys on a palm tree? It’s not what people thought. It’s a meaningful part of Igbo culture. Next time you see something like this, remember there might be more to the story.