
Prayer Point For New Month Of March 2022

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Do you want prayer points for the new month of March 2022?

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Do you want prayer points for the new month of March 2022?

We will go before God with gratitude.

We want to appreciate him first for February 2022.

So, without further ado, let us go before the Lord and begin to praise him for February 2022.

For his faithfulness, goodness, mercy, and love.

  • Let us give him all the glory.
  • We give you glory.
  • We give you praise.
  • We give you adoration.
  • How can we thank you enough for everything?
  • You sustained us.
  • You protected us.
  • You accepted us from evil from the pandemic.
  • We are very grateful.
  • You provided for us.
  • You intervened and it ended in honor and glory.
  • Thank you.
  • What would have claimed our lives you intervene and lord, we are living to pray to you today.
  • We give you glory and praise.
  • Blessed be your name forever.

Pray now begin to entrust the new month of March 2022 to the Lord.

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  • We want God to continue to reign in our lives.
  • Let him continue his dominion, reign, and majesty over our lives.
  • That’s the place we don’t want to give to anyone in our lives, in our family. Only God is qualified to occupy that place as a king and our lord.
  • Let him reign in the name of Jesus.
  • You are praying.
  • I believe you are talking to the Lord right now.
  • You hand over your Month of March and the mountain to God’s hands by saying it with your mouth.
  • You hand over our March 2022 unto you that you will take over. We hand it over for you to take over our month of March 2022 so that you will see it on the throne of our lives.
  • Sit on the throne of our family.
  • Sit on the throne of our businesses.
  • In the name of the lord Jesus Christ, reign with power, reigning righteousness in the name of the lord Jesus Christ.
  • From the beginning to the end of March, let it be you, lord.
  • Only you in our lives.
  • Only you in our marriages.
  • Only you in our ministries.
  • In our businesses.
  • In our careers.
  • In the name of the lord Jesus Christ, thank you father in Jesus name, we pray.

Look at the scripture.

It’s an important scripture.

Psalm 19, verse 1 to 3, The bible says

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them.”

So as we are waking up and sleeping every day. Days and nights have their own operations, and the enemy can sometimes manipulate the day or the night against an individual.

We shall not cooperate with the enemy. We shall not yield to the manipulation of the power of darkness. We shall only align ourselves with the purpose of God for our lives in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. That is the prayer we are going to pray.

  • In the name of Jesus Christ, we commit the days and nights of March into your hands, so that lord, as the days and nights begin their operations, begin their ministries, they will do so under the influence of the blood of the eternal covenant.
  • In the name of Jesus, we pray that the days and nights of March will be subject to satanic manipulation, but they will be submissive lord even to the will and purposes of God.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ, the days in the month of March shall be your days.
  • They shall speak in your favor. Whatever they will change shall be in alignment with God’s purpose for your life in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • I declare that decree that the nights in the month of March 2022 shall favor your course and favor your family in the name of Jesus Christ.’s move forward.
  • We are praying.
  • Let’s pull down every altar of disaffection and rejection that the enemy has raised to frustrate our journey in 2022.
  • In the name of the lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah and some people go around and, wherever they go, they are rejected.
  • It’s like people eat them for no reason, but that will not be your portion in the name of Jesus Christ per adventure.
  • There’ll be an altar that has been raised, or there’ll be another that will be raised, or there is an author that is waiting for your arrival in the month of March to start speaking.
  • Allow that alter to be shattered into pieces of various sizes. of disaffection and all types of rejection that have been raised against my life, against my wife, against our children, I let it be broken today in the name of Jesus.
  • Any type of disaffection or rejection that is waiting for my arrival in the month of March 2022 to start speaking and to start operating Please open your mouth and pray.
  • We break it down.
  • We break it down.
  • We break it down in the name of Jesus. Lord.
  • I stand in agreement with all your children on this prayer platform and we stand against all types of perfection.
  • all types of disaffection. Thank you for in Jesus name we pray.
  • You know, as we are praying, I remember the story of Mephibosheth.
  • We must pray in this prayer for judgment without mercy against any witchcraft priest who is standing behind any negative altar against your life, against your children, against your spouse, and waiting for our arrival in March 2022.
  • In the name of Jesus, we declare and prophesy that the speaking of the altar of affection will be loud and clear in our lives throughout 2022, leading to a life of influence, relevance, and fulfillment in the name of Jesus.
  • Father, we declare and prophesy that the speaking of the altar of affection will be loud and clear in our lives, in our families, in our ministries, in our businesses, in our careers, leading to a life of influence, relevance, and fulfillment in the name of Jesus.
  • You shall not be found doing one thing in the month of March 2022, in the name of Jesus Christ, because it shall be your turn and it shall be your time in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • When it is your turn, it shall be your time in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • You shall not be found doing one thing in the month of March 2022, because it shall be your turn and it shall be your time in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • king’s champion, the keeper of the women, appointed an extern Esther obtained favor in the eyes of all those who looked upon her, or then that look she obtained favor in the eyes of all those who looked upon her.
  • That would be your testimony in 2022 in the name of Jesus Christ. That would be your testimony in 2022.
  • It will be the testimony of your children in 2022.
  • It’s not just that Esther is a budget.The favor of God shall surround your person, shall surround you, the aura of favor shall surround you in the name of the lord Jesus Christ.
  • Can we pray and say heavenly father in the name of Jesus Christ. We declare and prophesy that throughout 2022 we shall obtain favor in the sight of everyone that looks upon us in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • We pray for them, their spouses, and their children that in 2022 everyone that sees them shall favor them.
  • In the name of Jesus, the experience of others shall not be the experience of your children or your spouses.
  • The bible says that when some are saying there is a casting down, you will be saying there is a lifting up. I pray for you in 2022.
  • No matter what is happening around you, your case will be different.
  • No matter what is happening in an organization, your case will be different. No matter what is happening in your industry, your case will be different. Industry will favor you in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • Oh, we bless your name, Lord, and thank you.
  • Read Esther Chapter 2 Verse 15 to Verse 17.
  • Esther was taken in unto King Ahazeros into his royal house in the tenth month, which is the month of Tibet, in the seventh year of his reign, and the king loved Esther above all women. Ah, what do you call that? That’s affection. He loved Esther above all women.
  • Get ready to wear your crown.
  • Get ready to step into your office. Get ready to step into royalty.
  • Get ready to step into authority in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • We will hear your testimony.
  • We will rejoice with you.
  • You will not miss it for anything. In the name of Jesus Christ, the spirit of God will guide you.
  • The spirit of God will lead you and instruct you.
  • You will do the right thing at the right time.’s turn it into a prayer. In the name of Jesus Christ, we declare and we prophesy that through the operation of the altar of affection, we shall enjoy love, affection and attention before men and women above our contemporaries.
  • We shall obtain grace and favor in the sight of people that matter to our assignment and our destiny more than our competitors.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ, we declare and prophesy that through the operation of the altar of affection, we shall enjoy love, affection, and attention before men and women, before institutions and organizations, above our contemporaries; we shall obtain grace and favor in the eyes of people who matter to our destiny and assignment even more than our competitors.
  • What are your plans for March 2022?
  • are you expecting God to do for you in March 2022?
  • Make sure it’s something that is within the provision of God’s word. As long as it is in alignment with God’s word, God is able to make it a reality.
  • What are your expectations for March 2022?
  • The bible says that the righteous’ expectation will not be cut short; document your expectation in his sight.
  • So now write yours down.
  • March 2022, Lord. These are my expectations for March 2022.
  • Lord, I trust you that as I enter into March 2022, prayer as a calm has come before you, as you said to colonials.
  • Let my expectations for March come before you as a memorial.
  • In the name of the lord, Jesus Christ.
  • Present your expectations to him now; present them now, and your expectations will not be disappointed.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ, I stand here today to represent everyone on the author of prayer today, and I package all their expectations in the blood of the eternal covenant, so lord, I pronounce over your life in the name of Jesus that everything you have documented here today in God’s presence as your expectations shall become a reality in your life in the month of March 2022. do you call it?
  • The bible says that God brought all the animals to them to name them, and the name he gave them is their name today.
  • So exercise your authority over the month of March 2022 and the name you will experience when you get there.
  • Give it a name. Father, I thank you for your children.
  • I declare that everything you have added your voice to, that you have declared with your mouth, will become the reality of your life in 2022 in the name of Jesus.
  • It will not be by power number, but by the operation of the altar of affection that we have raised, through prayer and fasting in the name of Jesus Christ, that the authors begin to prevail in your life according to God’s purpose in the name of the Lord Jesus will not be a misfit in your generation. In the name of Jesus Christ, you will not be a misfit in your industry. You will not be a misfit in your nation in the name of Jesus Christ. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s affection will set you apart from your peers. eye that sees you in 2022 shall favor you and shall favor you as you stand before the people that matter in your life. They will love you greatly in the name of Jesus.
  • Thank you father, thank you, lord. In the name of Jesus, amen. Congratulations if you were blessed with this message.

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