During the RCCG’s First Sunday Service in April 2022, Nigerian preacher Enoch Adeboye, General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God in Lagos, discusses the 2023 elections, the Kaduna conflict, and reported corruption in the Nigerian oil sector.
Everything Pastor Adebayo Said About Nigeria during the RCCG’s First Sunday Service in April 2022 below.
- “Before we go to the topic of today, I think I need to clarify one very important point. I understand that some people have been writing all manners of articles about instructions that have been passed to all members of the redeemed Christian Church of God.
- Let me make it loud and clear. Please, I want you to listen with anointed ears and anointed hearts. I will never be a politician. I have never been and I will never be. That’s not my calling.
- I am called to be a pastor. That’s what God called me to be. That’s why you don’t have me carrying a very big title. He says to me clearly, “You are to be faster.”
- I became general overseer. You might not know why, but you know I was reduced to jail when I became general overseer.
- If you came to my little office over there, there is a name plate that you will see on my table reference Then, as I approached my fortieth birthday, God paid me a visit and decided to speak to me mathematically, showing me two graphs, one of which was a head up parabola and the other a head down parabola, which is like a valley, with the number 40 at the turning point of both up there and down there.
- So I knew straight away that he was talking about my age and then he asked me son which of these two graphs do you want and he gave me enough grace to know that I preferred the head down parabola, meaning that at the age of 40, I’m going to be at my lowest and by the grace of God and with your support and prayers, I will keep climbing. Then he said, “Oh these big titles, reverend doctor, MBSE, Ph.D., they have to go. You are to be my pastor and phd trained as for the university where you are coming from here, you are going to be my pastor.”
- So I’m a pastor. I’ve said it again and again and again, I’m not even a prophet, I only hear from him once in a while and that will probably come in as I continue with my little talk to you today.
- I need to get this straight once and for all. My assignment is to pray for you and for nations, including Nigeria. My assignment has nothing to do with politicians and politics. Please do not divert my attention. You will bear me out.
- I have never said that to those of you who are genuine members of God’s dream Christians, whether in private or in public. I have never said this is the party you should belong to. I’ve never said it. I will never see it. Why? Because in the Redeemed Christian Church of God, every party is heavily represented. APC, PDP, apga, Labor Party, and some parties you don’t even know their names.
- The only reason I have not voted is that if I vote for anyone, I will be unjust to the rest of my children. I am the father of all, and I like it that way.
- I’m saying it loud and clear as a Nigerian. Every single one of you is a Nigerian. You were Nigerians before you became Christians.
- You are Nigerians at their most basic. You can sit down, fold your hands, refuse to vote, and then begin to complain about the government.
- What were you doing when they were voting? You were voting. You sat down at all? You didn’t register and all kinds of people then came around and selected for you a government, whether at the gubernatorial level, presidential level, or even local government level.
- They chose for you because you refused to do anything and then you began to complain. You must register.
- You must vote. You must sit down there after you have voted to make sure they can’t devote and take note of what they say.
- It doesn’t matter to me who it is, you must make sure that there is no more regain in Nigeria.
- Do your duty. I don’t care who your party is. I don’t care who you vote for. That’s all I’m asking you to do, and you must do it now.
- I know some of my very funny people just want to distract me, but my assignment is supreme and nobody is going to distract me. I will pray for this nation. Some of you are here.
- You remember, this year I asked for a thousand volunteers who would fast for 72 hours with me to pray for Nigeria. I asked for a thousand volunteers, and I got more than 26,000. We prayed, and whether you believe it or not, God heard, and the answer will come that we need to pray even more. In a moment, I will explain to you why we need to pray a little more.
- I’ll tell you a little bit about that, but listen to me carefully. If you are going to quote me, coach me correctly now. I’m talking to those of you who are my children. You want to know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
- I’m talking about myself now. As of now, as I’m standing before you, I still don’t know whether or not there’ll be an election next year. Don’t say that password people said there’d be no election next year.
- That’s not what I said. I said Adeboye does not know yet to put the word in. How come you don’t know because my father hasn’t talked to me about it at all? The last time we had an election, he spoke, probably about the election in June of the previous year.
- This is April, so it’s not late. He might have told you some of you are prophets. You are closer to him, but is there any one of you here who can raise your hand to heaven? I say, without any doubt, there’ll be an election in 2023.
- I have a lot on my mind that you, my partners, must join me in prayer for; let me tell you one or two of them. Kaduna You can’t go to Kaduna by road.
- You can’t go to Kaduna by air. They can attack you at the airport. You can’t go to Kaduna by train. I bring to your soul my mind as a man who is a man of prayer. Question number one: Why Kaduna? Question number two: Who is trying to isolate Kaduna? Question number three: Why is question number four after Kaduna, which comes next? Some of you are killing yourselves about 2023.
- Some of you are Christians and don’t even know if the rapture may have come before the end of this year. Can the rapture come before then? We are talking about today now. Kaduna That’s one point to a prayer point for my partners.
- Take note number two, it is in the news and nobody has denied it. As of now, more than 80 percent of the oil we are producing is being stolen. I mean, you didn’t read that in the news. More than 80 percent of all the oil we are producing is being stolen, and nobody has denied it. It came from the government. That leads me to several questions.
- Number one, who is the one stealing the oil? Number two, Eighty percent of what should have been the income of a nation is going to the hands of some people. That’s a lot of money. What do they want to do with the money?
- That’s question number three. Question number four: Who are the foreign nations that are distilled oil question number five? So you can see why I’m not planning to go to 2023. that’s why God has not spoken to me about that because there is a lot to deal with now.
- Let me tell you one more thing; it’s an open secret; it’s on the news on the night that more than 90 percent of our income, more than 90 percent of the money we get from the leftover of the oil that was stolen, we are using it to pay the interest on the money we have already borrowed. And then it is new, I’m sure you listen to the news, we are borrowing more, which means, according to a friend of mine, we are moving steadily to bankruptcy. A whole nation, my beloved Nigeria is moving steadily towards bankruptcy.
- We are talking about today now. So you can see why somebody like me; I am more concerned about what is happening now than what’s going to happen a year from now.
- Your grandchildren and your great-grandchildren will still be paying debt. That has to change. Let me now conclude because I have a lot to say, and so please help me beg all these political gymnasts not to bother me with this. Let me do my job.
- You know why I’m not a politician? Why I’m not bothered about who is going to be who and for your information, anybody who comes to me, anybody who comes to me from whatever party and asks me to pray, I have only one prayer for every one of them. Father, let your perfect will concerning this fellow be done. That’s always my prayer.
- It is written the most high rules in the affairs of men. That’s what the bible says, which is why I’m waiting for what he says.
- My friend, who are you supporting? God says you’re not a politician, so why are you asking your children to show an interest in politics? The Witches are showing interest.
- Didn’t you read that in the paper? Should Christians go to sleep if something is so important that witches are showing an interest?“
Credit: RCCG/YouTube
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